I’m waiting to receive the rest of my parts, the last part is the spindle kit which shows shipping label created, so hopefully next week I can finish putting the machine together.
In the meaintime, I’m building a cabinet for it, with a lot of tips taken off several of the builds I’ve seen on here. So, even when I don’t directly engage, those of you posting pictures of your cabinets and innovative ideas helps those of us coming behind learn. So thank you!
Some of the ideas I’ve picked up on this forum:
- Side walls are insulated for noise
- Harbor Freight mat under the machine to help isolate noise
- Torsion table top
- LED lighting inside cabinet
- Separate switched circuits for each major function
- Two independent circuits (20amp-spindle/machine) and (15amp-dust collection/computer/lights)
- Seperator on dust collection, but I’m still using a shop vac with a 1 micron filter
- I’m using levelers on each corner leg to account for variation in the concrete shop floor. I didn’t use casters since I have a pallet jack in my shop and can move it where I want.
I still need to build the lower fold up part of the rear wall. I don’t think tiling will be in my immediate future, but it’ll be helpful to have easy access for maintenance anyway. And I haven’t decided what to do about a front yet. Maybe bifold doors with clear panels, or a bifold that lays over the top. Not sure, but I’ll keep checking out the build pictures on here in the meantime.
Anyway, the point of my post is to thank everyone that engages and posts in this forum. Your content is the value, it’s nice when Carbide posts info, updates, etc., but the actual “boots on the ground” content from you all out there doing things and making stuff are the real value here. Thank you!