I just finished this armchair made of walnut and carbon fiber composite. I used Onshape for the design and Fusion to define toolpaths and execute on my Shapeoko 5. I did all the above in 4 months so the learning curves were steep!
I show below the screenshots of my project in Onshape. Basically I split the model in slices one inch thick. I then export each piece in Fusion and generate a symetrical copy. I then create toolpaths using adaptive clearing strategies. Each piece is a two sided job where I flipped the piece and use tabs throughout.
The rest is pure woodworking, i.e. glueing pieces together, creating jigs in Fusion to locate mortises for the joints, sanding, etc, the leg part is made of cherry then “skinned” with carbon fiber / epoxy.
The upholstery was not a walk in the park and would deserve a full presentation.
Indeed! The software part was new to me and frustrating at times. The carbon fiber skinning is finicky and took several iterations to get it right, notably the seams.