CNCJS CNC Control Software

This one will probe Z first, so you don’t have to mess with changing distances. You can paste the stuff in parentheses with it as a reminder)

(start with the end mill 15mm ABOVE the plate, about 15mm or less from bottom left corner.)

G21 ;make sure we’re in mm
G91 ;Incremental mode
G38.2 Z-25 F75 ;Probe Z
G10 L20 P1 Z22 ;Set Current Z as 22mm - thickness of your plateG
G0 Z3 ;lift Z 3mm
G0 X-25 ;Move left 25mm
G0 Z-10 ;Move down 10mm, should be 7mm below probe surface
G38.2 X25 F75 ;Probe X to the right 25mm
G10 L20 P1 X-10.175 ;Set current X location as negative half the bit diameter - 7mm thickness
G0 X-10 ;Move left 10mm
G0 Y-25 ;Move forward 25mm
G90 G0 X5 ;Move to X5 (absolute) - will put you 5mm to the right of left edge of stock
G91 ;incremental
G38.2 Y25 F75 ;Probe Y
G10 L20 P1 Y-10.175 ;Set current Y location as negative half the bit diameter - 7mm thickness
G0 Y-10 ;Move Y-10
G0 Z10 ;Move Z up 10mm, should be 3mm above probe plate
G0 X0Y0 ;Go to X0Y0