I’ve spent lots of time creating pretty complicated design elements in CC for a relatively large vcarve inlay piece, now it’s time to bring them together into the final design for the entire piece. I’m aware that for some reason copy/paste doesn’t work, but I’m completely failing at finding a way to import or combine the individual elements I’ve created into a whole design. Please tell me there’s a way to do this-- I’m going to frequently want to reuse elements I’ve created, building a library of elements over time.
Unrelated, I’m noticing that when I import an SVG from Illustrator that the dimensions in CC are different from what they were in AI. Easy enough to rescale, but why do they change? (the CC versons are ~20% smaller than the AI versions)
I see now that you can copy/paste art with no tool paths assigned, I guess that solves the immediate problem.
Oy. when I copy and paste the artwork all of my carefully defined layers get flattened into one. What’s up with that?? Do I really have to manually reassign them each time I replicate an element?
To create a reuse library, you can save elements as .svg & add them to the C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Carbide 3D\Carbide Create\library folder. You can organize them by subfolders.
Vector data needs to be saved with a specific DPI setting to import to scale. Perhaps someone knows the option in illustrator to set when you export? I don’t use it.
The standard for SVG is 96 DPI. It really doesn’t make a difference to the content until you need to import to another application or import from another source.
I have used Inkscape (defaults to 96 DPI) and I have no scale issues.
Illustrator might be set to 72 DPI . I am not sure what world that is intended.
In order to create an SVG at 96 ppi from Adobe Illustrator you will need to export it (File | Save for Web in some versions) and uncheck the “Responsive” checkbox.