Connection lost

I keep loosing the connection to my Shapeoko Pro when I run jobs. The error message in Carbide Motion is simply “Connection Lost” and the Shapeoko simply stops. I tried to unplug the USB cable etc but this didn’t help. Does anyone have any advice please?

If you e-mail into support we have a list of things we like users to try. The first is to run an air job.
Reach out at and we’ll work to resolve this issue.

See this thread for some ideas lota out there on the forum though Constant Disconnects - #6 by TonyMurray

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Thanks! I ran the air job which was fine. I then put my 1000 W vacuum cleaner on a different socket than the Shapeoko/Computer. It’s running fine again now!

Grounding your Shapeoko - CNC Machines / Shapeoko - Carbide 3D Community Site

This worked for me

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Thanks Michael. I connected my 1000 W vacuum cleaner to a different socket than the Shapeoko and that solved the problem… :wink:

An USB isolator works for me. Keyword: ADUM3160

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