Hopefully I am posting this in the correct thread.
I have a Shapeoko 3 that I want to add Bit Zero and Bit Setter, but I am not using Carbide 3d additions. Does anyone know the pinout of the connector on the circuit board?
They both connect to the probe input. There’s a ground connection next to it and you can pull 5v from the icsp headers.
Which version of the board do you have?
I have Version 2.4 board. I just need to know what the 3 pins are on the reserve connector that they use for them. I don’t need 5 volts since the touch plate or bit seter just act as switches.
I thought you could look since you were the one with the dilemma. They’re labeled. I’ll rephrase my question as an answer…One of those is the probe input and is labeled as such. Look between the white and black headers.
Are you trying to use the Probe header and the reserved header?
If you have a multimeter, you could find which pins on the reserved header are Probe and Ground. The third will be +5v