Constant Disconnects

Pretty much any time I run a job, I get disconnects now (“Cutter Stopped Responding”). Changed brushes and still having it happen. Last time I ran an air job there were no disconnects. If I restart a job, it will always make it to where it stopped the last time and shortly after it starts cutting material there is a disconnect. I am not running dust right now.

Not moving laptop or anything. I can’t get through anything and have an important deadline. Tried different cables etc. Help!

Are you cutting something that might produce more static like plastic? Checked your power connections for intermittent connection? Tried another usb port?

I would guess that you are having a static issue. There are a few things you can do to solve that issue. I went the cheap route with scrap wire and a few crimp on rings connectors.

Running an air job eliminates the dust that is probably causing issues. Here in Seattle if I have too much or too little humidity, I was getting issues.

Started with just a wire on the dust collector hose. Mine has a wire for stiffness. I exposed the wire at the dust shoe, crimped on a wire and went to the dust collector zip tying the wire as I went. Connect the wire to the metal housing of the dust collector It helped, but did not solve the issue, so I went with this also.

Good Luck

Grounding your Shapeoko - CNC Machines / Shapeoko - Carbide 3D Community Site


Please contact us at and we will do our best to work through this w/ you.

Mostly wood but with a little epoxy in it. Moved USB for sure. How do I check for intermittent connection?

Having same issue and it is the cable going from computer to power box. Noticed it by the switch stopped working however if i hold it just right it works, i need a new cable, but since u said you checked that (if I understood you right) I would ask if you have a bit runner and if so check your connection into the board mine came loose and caused disconnects so i had to re-solder the connection, I tested it by simply turning the bitrunner as switch to on position and lightly move the wires it would cut in and out and then disconnect, more vibrations when cutting wood like your saying would cause this as i didnt have problems when air cutting either.

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So I just had a problem similar to this on my Shapeoko 3XL; It turns out that the extremely low quality inline switch in the 24V power brick had died, and was constantly turning on and off with small motions caused by the “normal” motion of the machine, eventually diagnosed by fiddling with the cable and “hearing” the motors “lock” and “unlock” when powered or not; this behavior happened regardless of computer connection. I just cut my cable and re-soldered it to bypass the switch. Really disappointed at the quality of this component in such an expensive machine that I use only periodically for hobby use. The static and grounding issues that can also cause similar issues also point to low quality electrical design :frowning: I had previously identified a need to power the router/spindle from a different circuit that the main machine to aid in reducing electrical glitch issues.

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