Constraining lines to set angles

Decades of muscle memory training in many drawing programs has me hit the shift key when I want to draw a line parallel to the grid in either x or y dimension, or to draw a 45. As far as I can tell that just doesn’t work in CC. Please tell me I’m missing something! I’m always ending up at 89.9 or 90.1 without endless futzing and zooming to get to a point where the resolutions match up and I can, if my hand is steady enough on the mouse for long enough, get a 90 degree corner. Getting both the correct angle and length is utterly beyond my capabilities. I’ve resorted to drawing rectangles and cutting off the parts I don’t need, which just seems dumb.

At this time, Carbide Create does not support such modifier keys.

I just draw rectangles and use Snap to Node when drawing lines.

To draw a horizontal or vertical line from a point that doesn’t fall on the grid, draw the line between 2 grid points and move the line to the point. Same with an angle. Draw the line horizontal between 2 grid points, rotate it 45°, then move the line using the end point.


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