Convert back to Shapeoko?

Hello Carbide 3D community. I recently acquired a functional early 2019 SO3 XL & shortly after another machine in need of some TLC. It appears to be a S2 or S3 but had a Nano Arduino attached. I want to make it functional again as a Shapeoko. The seller told me it was a clone but searching I found nothing like it.

Can someone please confirm which model it is?

I will need a new controller board (likely swap to my XL so I’m up to date)

I will also need the Molex wiring but I only found it sold as extensions not female to female that would be required. Not a big deal I just need to know which one to order to obtain the correct length & can solder them directly if I can’t find the additional connectors.

Thanks for reading.

That machine looks really similar to a Shapeoko 3 standard, though there’s some quirks and features that make it clear it’s not a production machine we sold.

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Pretty sure it’s one of those knockoff versions that used the same profile. Everything else looks pretty inferior.

That said, I might have some front/rear plates of you think it’s worth it. To be honest, I’d replace the Z and the controller and the psu

Thank you Winston & Neil I am figuring out what to order right now.
Neil I gapped or getting an extra PS so Thanks again for that.
Time to lower the Red-Sail & raise the Shapeoko flag!!!