I am not having very good luck converting downloaded .c2d files (ones that currently do not open up in Carbide Create) so they can be opened by my Carbide Create program like the directions say in the following link.
I am totally new to this and obviously do not understand the process. Is there a good video on this somewhere, the ones I have found do not go step by step and program versions seem to be different? I keep getting errors, maybe my path is not correct or something. I am using a Mac and using IDLE.
I just downloaded the file to test the link.
What I do is I open the Carbide Create software, then I open the “Hardcase Sunglasses.cd2” file, it is working for me.
Want to check and make sure you have the most recent version, 286?
That Hardcase Sunglass file should be 11,546KB it was too large to post here- is your file the same size?
I wonder if its not completely downloaded?
I figured it out, with your help, and wouldn’t have if you hadn’t have sent that file size for me to check. I went to file properties to make sure the file was at least that big and saw another way, on the Mac, to change file extensions and when I did it showed up in Carbide Create ready to use. I don’t have near the experience on the Mac as I do on the PC and sometimes it takes me longer to figure the Mac side out.