Corner square in 3d print library

I have a Shapeoko 5 Pro.
I downloaded the s5p file from Corner Squares and printed it.

However, the 3d print holes are exactly 4.04" apart whereas the s5p bed holes are a bit less, around 3 15/16" apart. Since it states “This corner square is designed to fit perfectly”, I figure I have done something wrong.

Looking at Shapeoko 5 Pro Specifications, it says the t-slots are 4.04" apart but mine are less, exactly 3 15/16". I bought mine in Dec 2020 and the model is “Shapeoko Pro CNC Router - XXL Size”

The SOPro/4/HDM T-slot spacing is 100mm and the corner square was set up for the SO5 Pro’s spacing, because when that was release we were selling a commercial product with the original spacing.

I guess @KevBarn14 should either put up a second file, or a note on scaling.

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