CRA Sprint Car logo

I’ve been a sprint car fan for about 35 years and used to watch the CRA at Ascot Park most Saturday nights. The first date with my new girlfriend was there and we still attend at Ventura Raceway.
This is the old school CRA logo. It came on facebook and I decided to make a thing for Sprint Car Hero John Redican.

MY result:


Very nice work. One of my favorite racing theme was the old RatFink.


Fabulous work. May i ask what you used; i assume 1/8 or less endmill?

Many bit changes involved. I could have made it more efficient.
Mostly 1/16 end mill, 1/8 end mill, 60 degree V, 1/4 end mill to cut it off.

End result was really nice. Hope you were happy with it.

Thank you, yes. It measures roughly 13 x 13, just large enough for the details to work.

That’s incredible! I want to know how you got the paint to look so good!

Thank you. The white is gloss spray. Black is glossy and rolled on. Red and yellow are hand painted. It works because the logo itself is very contrasty.

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