Crash during cut!

Ok, so I haven’t Had any issues with my machine until this project. during running the machine just disconnects from the computer. and goes back to the connect to cutter screen.

So I have tried everything I can think of, reinstalled CM, tried the cut from CC, tried from VCarve, etc.

Attached are the files and the log from the latest fail

Please any help or advice would be appreciated. I have had no issues until this project.

Machine: S3XXL
Computer: HP, Windows 10, 3GHertz, 8GB Ram
Bitsetter: v1
Makita Router (1.6 MB)
BULLDOGfinal-withplaquearea.c2d (1.3 MB)
Log.pdf (805.9 KB)

Also the cutter wont connect back to computer, I get a error, “Cannot open port for Cutter: Serial Port: UnknownError”

I have to power down the cutter then turn it back on and connect.

Please try running the job as an “air job” with no tool in the spindle and the router and dust collection off.

Let us know at how that test goes.

Sorry it has taken me so long to get back too you.

So the “Air Job” went fine. With no issues.

The only thing I can figure is that it is a static issue. As thinking back it seems that the MDF created a lot more static in my dust collection hose(typical 1 1/2 shop-vac hose, I think).

How can I reduce the static built up?

The main thing is grounding everything, starting with the dust hose (preferably one which is natively anti-static and/or has a copper wire in it to easily ground it)

@LiamN has a neat thread about that here:

There are a few other tips and tricks in the ebook on managing disconnects:

And then support can also help you address them.

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What he said, MDF is definitely one of the more effective static producers, until you go to plastics which are in a completely different league.

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