Does this mean it will always retract that far regardless of current Z position upon startup? And if so, this seems like a bug in the software. When it raises the Z axis for the tool insert, that’s not a command I added.
And, also if so, why would anyone ever want this setting to anything other than zero? It sounds like a problem waiting to happen on every… single… job (as I’ve experienced every time I use carbide create).
Provide a .c2d file, generated G-Code, step-by-step notes on how you are securing your stock and setting zero and managing any tool changes and a photo showing an attempt at cutting still in place on the machine.
I sent your support a note the day I got this setup, but FYI you can reproduce this problem on a stocke XL Pro, with a clean install of carbide motion, and your own Hello World file. Follow the directions precisely and it will crash upward.
What type of Z do you have. Have you resent the config with your machine type, Z type and any accessories like BitSetter (or unchecked for what you are doing) and BitRunner (automatic router control).
Sounds like maybe you have the wrong config for your Z. The latest CM 536 has changed the default machine travel (softlimits). Are you running the latest CM and sent the config?
The default soft limits keep you from crashing during jogging but if you send commands to exceed the travel of a machine nothing prevents it from hitting the limit and trying to keep going and grind away.
We will be offering an adapter plate which will allow upgrading to an HDZ on the Pro models.
The SO4 should work as is (but would require that you revert to the smaller V wheels) — it may be that we’ll offer a new version w/ relocated holes which match the new wheels, or maybe the HDZ will become a Pro only upgrade — check in w/ @Luke and co.