Hey. CarbideCreate has been useful for a long time and is great. So far I have used Mach3 and I am really satisfied! Now I started using UCCNC and plan to stay on it but I have problem with CreateCarbide and curve. When I draw a circle, my toolpath is not round, these is a set of lines at an angle. This is a problem with cutting and machine jerking. Is there any possibility to use arcs instead of lines in the curve toolpath? thank you!
…I actually want to use G2 and G3 instead of dashes on the curves… any help?
I seem to remember that Carbide Create converts everything to polylines, so you would have to use a different CAD/CAM program. However, note that GRBL internally converts G2/G3 arcs to a sequence of small linear moves anyway, so I would be surprised that you would see/hear the difference, unless something else is not quite right?
Thx for answer.
Yes, that’s the problem. I no longer use the GRBL, I have an upgrade. If the crest internally converts G2 and G3 into lines, then why not just put it that way, so let the grbl itself convert when executing. Admin: is there a possibility to add G2 and G3 in the future?
Could you provide the file which you are working on and a photo showing the faceting which your part is being cut with?
Thy for your answer.
I am not working on a specific project at the moment. The query is general. I had already started working on CamBam, but CC was my favorite program. If it is ever possible to generate a circle with G02 I will return to CC. I will follow the progress…
Thx WIllAdams
Actually all machine controllers convert arcs into small linear moves, the best ones will do so with single step resolution. You can tweak grbl to whatever tolerance you want, using $12 (arc tolerance in mm), although the default of 0.002mm has been good enough for the machines I go out with.
One advantage of G2/G3 with grbl is it cuts way down on the amount of traffic transferred between your PC and grbl controller, short line segments can take longer to transfer than they do to cut.
For whatever that’s worth. I suffer from engineer’s disease and somehow got interested in arcs
I’ve used md8n’s GCodeClean to post process Carbide Create’s gcode. Besides line segments to arcs it would also convert Z retracts from G1 to G0 rapids (I think CC may do this now, haven’t had access to a CNC machine the last couple months although that should change soon) which was handy for my diamond drag bit. Might be worth a try.
For an academic paper on this see:
Thanks! That was interesting, although with being nearly 50 years (gulp) out of school I skimmed over the math. The more consistent cutting forces and better surface finish looked nice. I’m guessing it didn’t end up going very far, G5 in LinuxCNC seems to have taken a somewhat different path although that one does include bezier curves (which I admit not understanding very well, retired datacomm and RTOS guy, not graphics). I did have pretty good luck with gcodeclean and CC gcode, submitted several bugs that were repaired after my testing. Might have mentioned it earlier, it turned CC radiused corners into two arcs rather than one, like they were generated with a small discontinuity in the middle. Worked fine with no visible artifacts, just was interesting.
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