Creating a Plaque

Hello everyone,

I’m a beginner trying to learn CNC programming. I decided a good beginner project would be to make a plaque with my name on it.

I’m wondering if someone could help guide me or point me to a guide with step-by-step instructions on how to make one in Carbine Create V7, what bits I might need and anything else I might need to know.

I’m using 3/4 maple plywood. I think I’m going to cut it down to 14 x 9. I’m using a shapeoko 5 pro

Start by launching Carbide Create:

go into Job Setup (gear icon):

and make settings to match your stock.

Set your text:

and adjust the size/positioning as desired:

Add other features/elements as desired:

Select everything:

and assign a V carving toolpath:

setting the Max Depth to Stock Bottom.

Show Simulation:


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