Creating b/w lineart from greyscale (or colour) original

as requested on support…

given a low-resolution pixel image:

but being provided a greyscale SVG:

in order to get a file suited for cutting we launch Carbide Create (we’ll use v8):

Set Background:

importing the image and adjusting as necessary.


Import the greyscale vectors (after converting to SVG if need be):


Adjust size as need be:

also position:

until one arrives at:

at which point each vector may be adjusted until all redundant lines are removed.

Where appropriate use either Node Editing or Trim Vectors:

Note that some lines are doubled up:

Remove any extras:

then use Trim Vectors:

Removing what is not wanted:


Use Node Editing to remove small portions of lines:

Repeat and iterate as necessary.

Once the file is reduced to a series of lines which match up with the line art, export as an SVG, open in a tool which will outline the strokes, do so, Boolean union the result, then export as an SVG and re-import.

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