Custom region in Meshcam

I’m using an openbuilds OX CNC. How do I set a custom machine region in meshcam?

This is done by importing a DXF — I draw up the exclusion area as a separate layer which can then be imported to set this.

If you have difficulties w/ it post your .mcf and .dxf files and a marked up screen-grab showing what you want to exclude/what you want to cut.

So this is how I setup my machine? When I go to select my machine it’s now listed and I don’t see an option for a custom machine.

My apologies, I thought you were trying to configure a MeshCAM file for an exclusion area.

What firmware does your Openbuilds OX use?

No worries I’m still learning I’m probably not explaining it correctly. My machine is using the GRBL firmware.

I would suggest checking in w/ for what they advise.

Let them know your machine’s working area and they should be able to let you know how this should be handled.

Thanks for your help. I will get a hold of them.

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