How can I cut out the outline of my letters on the circle so that when I am done cutting my letters out I know exactly were they go so everything is straight
I usually use a cardboard template for these.
I cheat and use a CO2 laser for the cardboard. I hoped the “20w” neje would cut cardboard, but I gave up quickly on that.
As I expected. I am of the thought process if you use one piece of material and cut it with raised or recessed lettering, you’d get exactly what you expect
These only work if the circle fits on the machine and if you can guarantee things will be lined up correctly.
I’ve done a bunch of signs like this. I think cutting a template is the way to go. Doesn’t have to be cardboard. You can even print and hand cut paper templates if you don’t want to use a material you can cut on the Shapeoko.