Customer service experience. Crickets

I am new to this site and the community. I migrated from an Xcarve to Carbide 3D for several reasons, including customer support.
I placed my order for a 4x4 Shapeoko 5, Bitzero, and 65mm Spindle on Monday. The Machine and the Bitzero are arriving tomorrow. The spindle label was created but never received by FedEx.
I wrote customer service on Thursday to see what the issue was. I was told it should ship on Thursday or Friday. I wrote back today saying it was unacceptable that it takes 4 days for something that is in stock to leave the warehouse. I got crickets

I see a response at 1:13 11/21, six minutes after you wrote in at 1:07 PM, and you responded today at 1:05 PM.

That’s exactly what I said in my post. I wrote saying it was unacceptable and got nothing back—not a “let me check on it.” or anything like that.
The original explanation I was given on 11-21 was, "The influx of shipping due to Black Friday has delayed things slightly.

Rob emailed me telling me about the sale on 11-18 at 12:00 PM
I emailed back, letting him know I placed my order on 11-18 at 1:28 PM

I don’t understand how an influx of orders in less than 1.5 hours put me this far behind the line for a spindle.

All I ask if for someone to lay eyes on the box and ensure that it physically is going out

My understanding is that someone was going to check on inventory and let you know once we had the specifics of your order confirmed — if that doesn’t happen, let us know on support and we will look into this.

Leanne emailed me about 20 minutes ago, indicating that all the VFDs with shipping labels were picked up and should be in transit shortly.
I’ll update this post once the FedEx site updates the status.

Thank you.

Amazon has ruined us as a society.

The spindle pages give an estimate of 3 days to ship and on day for you you find it unacceptable.

People just need to relax.


Unfortunately, the original unit never made it to FedEx. However, Leanne from Carbide 3D CS came through and sent me the spindle on Monday via 2-day service, and it arrived here last Wednesday before Thanksgiving.

The machine build went smoothly with zero issues. After it was put together, I checked all the bolts and screws and found some loose in the Y1 and Y2 homing sensors, but otherwise great SOLID-built machine.

The only major issue I found was after firing up. I used carbide motion, initialized, homed the machine, and jogged it around. When the Z carriage approached the right side, I noticed odd sounds from the X-axis. I checked again, but all seemed fine. After that, I tried homing again and noticed it failed with GRBL Alarm 9. I re-run the homing cycle again with the Z carriage in the back right corner, and it homed correctly, although when the machine came back to the front, I noticed an odd sound. I thought this fixed the issue, but while testing the BitZero, I noticed the Z carriage wouldn’t position properly under the Bitsetter and would not jog to the proper location because, to the controller, the machine was at its X limit.

The issue was that the machine was losing steps after homing, and it was associated with the odd noise from the X-axis. I took apart the Z carriage and checked the linear bearing and lead whipper, and all looked good. Then, I removed the X-stepper motor and the leads crew collar and noticed the lead screw was loose. I tightened the nut, attaching the lead screw to the stepper motor housing/cage, and that solved the problem. The odd noise was vibration from the loose lead screw. After this, the machine homed every time and moved as expected with no issues. I ran a few basic cuts and Vcarving with flawless results.

Besides the hiccups mentioned above, this machine is solid and accurate. Very impressed.

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