Cut capacity of vcarve desktop vs shapeoko xl

Just wrote Vcarve as to the possibility of them adjusting the cut dimensions of their desktop vcarve to allow / match the cut parameters of the shapeoko xl.

Should be an interesting for thier reply as the V carve restricts to 24" x 24" cut area; this remains a greater total area than the xl at 16 x 32", but configured differently in L x W. Thought I would take a shot at asking if they can modify the L x W cut parameters so I could utilize the full cut profile of the XL- Anyway I will keep all posted. The differential of the “pro” vs the desktop is significant in price. Ill keep you informed as to the response. I welcome other forum members to see if they have any work around the limits . Tom

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My understanding was 24x24 is total square area you can use. So you can do items longer than 24” as long as its not as tall.

But I haven’t tried yet since most my stuff is quite small.

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I have Vetric V-Carve Desktop

Based on the popup message that is displayed when you attempt to set the job size larger than 25" in either direction I don’t think it is based on total square area.

I have looked at upgrading to V-Carve Pro but other than the ability to use their gadget library and the larger job size it doesn’t offer any advantages for my Shapeoko XL. The other options are aimed at the commerical user.

Disclaimer - I am not using the machine to make money. Just a challenge for this old guy.



I’m pretty sure Vectric is going to say “we’ve already fixed that – it’s called Vcarve Pro”.
I have Vcarve Pro so I don’t know for sure, but I think Desktop will do tiling so you can cut things longer
than 24" but only in 24" increments.


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