Cutrocket halftone not starting spindle

I recently found the Cutrocket halftone generator. I created gcode with an image and was able to load it to cut, but when it started, the spindle did not start. Everything else looked reasonably correct, although the Gcode image was not 100% over the whole area. I opened the GCode and could not see anything except movement commands. Is this correct or was the file in error?

If I understand correctly, it is sort of both.

G21 G17 G90 G49
G00 X0 Y0 Z2.00
G0 X4.4097 Y546.8056
G1 F2540 Z-2.169

This predates our BitRunner and Spindle, so was set up for when Carbide Motion prompted for turning on trim routers and so forth as a normal thing.

You can either go old-school, disable the BitRunner, and manage the on/off manually, or edit in commands to load a tool and start the spindle, &c.

Alternately, you could export an SVG and load that into Carbide Create.

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