I am not sure which category this post should go in… I am trying to download the Catan game files and I am getting a permissions error. Any ideas on the proper want to report this to Carbide?
It seems that they are all Fusion 360 files and require the permission of the person who posted the file.
Is there anyway to contact this person? I see people have posted messages on the file. Does Carbide have a way to email them based on their CutRocket profile info?
Seems odd that Carbide would allow people to upload files to CutRocket and restrict access.
Probably it worked when it was first uploaded, but since then the uploader changed something for some reason (limited # of files?).
Will check and see if we can at least unpublish it.
Which file? I’d guess the creator is also a part of this community. Maybe even part of a contest here.
Autodesk disabled sharing by link for hobby users a while ago, and I think any of those files would be inaccessible.
Looks like the project was originally a Fusion360 project that was shared. The share link is no longer accessible from Autodesk, which is why we’re seeing the authorization error.
I just removed the fusion link and put all of the SVG elements into a Carbide Create file and uploaded that to the project, so now you can download all 3 of the SVG files and the new Carbide Create document.
Toolpaths / layout will need to be done, but everything should be to scale, and it looks like all of the vectors (save for a center mark on the playing board) are closed, which should make them pretty straight forward to apply toolpaths to.
Wow!! THANK YOU!!! Greatly appreciated.
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