Cutter loses connection

Here is my issue. I have been trying to cut the same sign a total of 4 times now. In the middle of cutting the cutter will lose connection. It has at different parts of the cut. I shut the cutter down, turn it back on and reinitialize. When I go back to the exact coordinates that I had zeroed it for the project one of my axis is off. It has been the X, the Y and the Z. I don’t know what is going on. Any help would be great.

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Usually this is caused by EMI — other things to check include how securely the USB cable is connected and the USB cable length — try running the file w/o a tool loaded or the router running (an “air job”) and let us know how that goes at and we will do our best to assist.

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I agree with @WillAdams. EMI has been a problem. I grounded my hose from the dust collector, double grounded my Pro, AND ran a ground from the outlet to a ground rod.

No issues since then


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Ran it with no tool had no issues. For dust collection I am using a shop vac with sweepy v.2 can you suggest the best way to ground this so that I don’t have this issue?

Best grounding strategy is to use a vacuum which is designed to ground the hose, and to use a conductive hose from the router body to the vacuum. There are also hoses which are dissipative (I picked up one from Peachtree which was made by Fulton when I switched to 2.5") which help in some setups.

If that’s not an option, run a bare wire from the router body, along/around the mount, through the hose, and to the same ground as the vacuum uses.

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