Cutting board carve

I was asked to carve a cutting board- some initials and some curly lines. I used v carve (90) and you can barely see the carve. There is no contrast.

Thought about staining or painting the carve and trying to use a sanding sponge to remove any that is outside of the carve.

Other ideas?

Anything I could have done prior to the carve?

Since it is carving board you could fill it with epoxy or paint it. However you would need to tell the recipient that they should not carve on that side of the board. Epoxy is soft and painting the carving would allow food to collect in the valley.

For future reference about carving a 60/90 degree vee bit that hardly shows in the simulation it is likely your lines are fine. On fine lines the 60/90 barely scratch during a simple vcarve.

A simple vcarve goes down the middle between the lines and goes as deep as it takes to touch both sides of the lines with the vee bit. When I have fine lines I use a 15 degree bit. That will give you a deeper cut with fine lines. When doing a simple vcarve you should always use bottom of material to get the best looking cut. However on thin material you can cut through the material. So in the simulation it is white at the bottom of the objects change to advanced vcarve and limit depth.

One additional thing you need to tell the recipient is NOT put that cutting board in the dishwasher. The hot water and the drying cycle will warp and crack the cutting board. If you have not picked a finish the Howards cutting board oil is pretty good and if the recipient is someone you like give the rest of the bottle to them to renew the finish in the future. Cutting boards should only be hand washed and dried immediately. We have people that make cutting boards here on the forum that have had returned boards that were cracked and warped likely because people put it in the dishwasher.


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