If the tool paths could be guaranteed to not run into uncut material, it looks like it would be possible to make cuts as deep as the material thickness up to the 3" stock height limit by cutting in stages using end mills with progressively longer flutes.
For example, here is a 1/4" end mill with a 3" flute length. https://www.the-carbide-end-mill-store.com/m5/777-2256–777-2256-1-4-carbide-square-end-mill-extra-extra-long-2-flute-altin.html.
However, I’m guessing the tool paths are not guaranteed to work like that, so the sum of the cut depth and the uncut material height cannot exceed the maximum height of the spindle above the table (~4.25" from https://community.carbide3d.com/t/nomad-3-z-clearance/66112/7). Is this the case?