Cutting Deeper than Design

The issue that I’m having is, the machine cuts deeper than my design when I zero off the top.
When I zero off the bottom it makes a pass without cutting anything .
So I checked the machine , zeroed the Z axis on the bed and raised it all the way up.
The actual travel was around 80mm but in carbide motion it said it moved around 50mm.
Any thoughts Thanks

Did you configure for an HDZ when you have a Z-Plus?

Thanks for the response.

That is totally what happened.
I am fairly new to the word of CNC and was using the computer that my son set up.
So when I set up my tablet for myself I downloaded the wrong one.
Thanks again

The HDZ gets more steps per MM than the Z-Plus. You are not the first person that has made that mistake. The good news is you figured out your mistake and should be good going forward.

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