Has anyone cut Formica laminate on their Shapeoko? If so. What are your techniques. Could it be adhered to the wood beforehand to cut both the laminate and wood in one job?
I’ve done with a table router many times, so I am sure it is possible on a Shapeoko.
I’m not sure whether you are talking about how to hold the laminate onto the wasteboard or something else?
What thickness is your laminate?
I haven’t purchased any yet. I was curious about if I should glue the laminate to the wood before cutting. Or if I should cut the would then laminate as separate jobs.
Oh, somehow I had assumed formica laminate always referred to formica+wood already glued. Cutting through both layers should be no problem on the Shapeoko, and sounds much easier to me than cutting/aligning/glueing laminate and wood
In my humble opinion, glue them together then cut them, otherwise you could end up with a mismatch.
Thanks for the advice. I appreciate it.
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