When setting up a tool path to cut out a name do I use a off set or no off set? Thanks in advance for the help.
You probably want the outside offset option, since this will leave you with a piece that has the dimensions you would expect from looking at the design you used in CC.
If you select a “no offset” toolpath, the outer dimensions will be one endmill radius smaller than the displayed shape (since the endmill will “ride” the selected shape, so you will have the equivalent of a half-endmill-diameter kerf on each side of the line)
The other thing that could catch you though is that your endmill needs to be small enough to fit in the inside parts of the letters you want to cut.
Thank you for the help this is still all to confusing.
Keep asking questions, we love helping people figure out how to make their ideas a reality!
Maybe take a look at the “Toolpaths” chapter in the ebook, I tried to include illustrations of the different types of toolpaths. This may or may not help remove some of the confusion (hopefully not adding any in the process!). Don’t hesitate to ask any and all questions you have, as @The_real_janderson said!
Also, I forgot the official starting point, the Carbide Create video tutorial series. Have you seen those ?
There is one on toolpaths:
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