I have some projects where i am cutting out parts from 3/4 inch stock. I tried some of these 1/8 Yonko bits and they seem to fail quite easily. Plus their kind of pricy.
I’m thinking of trying just a normal router bit but can’t seem to find what I’m looking for.
1/4 inch Shank
1/8 or 1/4 Cutting Diameter (Preferably 1/8 Diameter)
1 or 1 1/4 Inch Depth of Cut (Preferably 1 1/4 Depth of Cut)
Some discussion (and links) about long-LOC endmills here.
Unless you really have to, I would stay away from super long LOC 1/8" endmills. On top of being hard to come by, they are bound to be fragile, at these lengths you would need to control deflection very accurately, which for a profile cut means you would probably need to reduce depth per pass to a very small value, and it will take forever.
If you can do a rough profile cut with a long 1/4" endmill, and then come back at the inner corners that require a smaller diameter, with such long 1.8" endmills, but removing much less material, you are likely to break fewer tools.
I have a 1.5" long 1/4" Melin AMG-808E bit that I have used to cut out treated pine for lawn furniture and it worked great. Still sharp and left a great finish. 1/8" in likely to break if pushed to hard. Might be ok for a finishing pass that is just trying to get a smooth finish. If you use it be very conservative.