I’m a new user with a potential non issue. I’ve been cutting out letters for signs lately and everything has been running smoothly. Every now and again I see the that endmill cuts through the stock on it’s way to the next shape, it hasnt caused a problem yet but I’m afraid it might cut through a project piece in the future.
Can anyone point to why this might be happening? I’m using F360.
The cuts between most of the letters are quite deep, and it’s not between all letters… Seems unlikely to be Z-zero reference or zeroing. My suspicion is that the cutter paths contain these ‘between cuts’. Can you preview the GCODE in something like Camotics?
I agree, it’s not a Z-zero issue. I’m normally quite anal about that. I’ll try to locate the code a preview it again, I tend to overwrite old .nc files as I’d never use them again after forgetting the settings and what not. I should still have the F360 file.