Deep carved sign lettering

I saw this carving in the background for a router bit ad and I’m intrigued. Does anyone know how to vcarve lettering like this? And what bits would be used in the process?


Are you asking how to Vcarve a shape where the depth is greater than the effective cut depth of the Vee Bit? Or the shape is wider than the bit diameter?

Just do multiple Advanced V-Carve toolpaths, incrementing the depth.

Should just be a matter of setting the text in that font (Algerian):

(it’s a font which has been bundled w/ MS Word/Windows for a long while)

Then assigning a V carving w/ a suitable tool:


Thanks William. I’m not sure if the image just had a weird perspective but I was thinking there was a really steep cut on the high side of the Rs (as in greater than 45 or 60 degrees). And thanks for recognizing that font!


When I first looked at it, that was my thought as well until I recognized the font.

While I’m not quite as good as I once was, I’ve spent enough time poring over font catalogs and specimen books that I can usually remember them (or at least recognize a designer).

Moreover, it was the font used in my favourite set of glasses:


WooHoo! Its tell-all time now! :smiley:

Vectric’s vcarve toolpath will cut deeper than the bit. Somewhere around here I have a test piece where I carved a monogram that way. (It didn’t look good to me that way, so I didn’t go any further with it.)

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