Deep Sweep 2 - Good for stringy wood

I was facing red oak today with 1/4 end mill ( .110 stepover .020 to .040 deep). I was using the standard Sweep like I always do and I had to pause the cutting to clear the strings that had accumulated inside and the vacuum hose was pulling.

After a few faces I remembered I had bought the Deep Sweep. I put that on and had zero issues.
I had a better view of the bit as well.

The sound level was significantly quieter. The vacuum hose was not as twitchy.
I have a Dewalt DXV06P ( not the quiet one ) using 4 inch vacuum hose and a Mullet cyclone.

I may stay with this one


I try to use the deep sweep whenever possible. The noise level on the regular sweep was much higher once I switched to the Stealthsonic. Plus I found myself adjusting the height of the sweepy mount constantly with the regular one but rarely with the deep for some reason.


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