@robgrz Problem: The groups in the toolpath dialog expand-all and scroll back to the top whenever any of the groups are modified. Modifications that trigger this behavior include (but may not be limited to):
- Adding a new toolpath to a group
- Enabling or disabling a group
- Renaming a group
- Moving a toolpath (anywhere…not just between groups)
- Deleting a group or toolpath
To see this in action:
Create a multi-group toolpath set
Collapse one or more groups
Take any of the actions above (in this case, I disabled group 4…but any action above will do)
All other groups we expand and the first toolpath in the first group is shown on top and the group with which I was working is no longer even visible without scrolling.
This is a problem when you have multiple groups with a reasonable number of toolpaths because the toolpaths scroll out of the toolpath box and you have to either scroll or re-collapse the groups in order to continue working.
Expected behavior: The state and scroll of the group boxes the same and refresh only the contents.
In this case: