Depth of cut Shapeoko 3

Making a tray. Pine 3/4" thick material.
Shapeoko 3
Beast 1/4" Bit from IDC
Depth of Cut set in tool pass at .4"
In Tool Edit, Depth of cut set to .25 (I figure tis is for each pass)?
Ran Job and it only cut to 1/4"
Why not cut the second pass?

Which Z-axis does your machine have?

What length tool were you using?

Post the .c2d file, step-by-step notes on how you are securing your stock and setting zero relative to it and managing all tool changes and a photo showing an attemp at cutting still in place on the machine.

z Plus
Tool length was set to .5 I did not see were to make it longer.

how to post .c2d file?
Bit Zero, corner method.
I don’t use a smart phone.

The Beast 1/4" bit is 1.25" of cutting length.
In the Tool edit there is no place to set tool length. It is simply set at .5

Wood is glued down. Blue tape method.

Upload using the upload icon:



Must be another busy morning there.
Where is this upload button located? I don’t see in CC or CM.
Not on the Forum page either. hmm

sm tray 3-4.c2d (52 KB)

Found the button

You have your file configured as:

and one toolpath with a custom tool which should cut to 0.25" deep:

and which seems to only make one pass:

If you want to increase the depth to which things are cut, then edit the toolpath and increase Max Depth:

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