There as a request on Reddit for a tool for doing this:
Generalized the code in a modeling fashion in BlockSCAD:
Next up is investigating automating the G-Code in OpenSCAD.
There as a request on Reddit for a tool for doing this:
Generalized the code in a modeling fashion in BlockSCAD:
Next up is investigating automating the G-Code in OpenSCAD.
Next up is calculating the G-Code needed to cut this shape out. We’ll crib from:
Actually, we have a to make a small correction:
and add some code so that we can export a DXF or SVG:
To do the CAM, we need to calculate out the begin/end points of each quarter of the endmill’s movement:
This is now done and available at:
There is a pair of modules which should be useful to modify so as to write out the G-Code for cutting this:
I’m still trying to allocate some time to pursue this work you’ve done, Will. Very interesting.
I’ve about finished scratching this itch — switched gears to trying to get the geometry section of the book done:
once I’ve got that diagram done and the matching text I’ll do an update calling for folks to send me project designs/dimensions, I’ll knock out as many of those as I can using the basic techniques of:
Then, once I have the book done I’ll go back and review some of these other ideas and see if any of the following are resolved:
if they’re not, I’ll have to look into other tools such as CADquery or AngelCAD or RapCAD.
After I do all that, the next thing to look into is decorative designs and modeling.