Design into 3D project live on Kickstarter

Thanks! (Kind of figured the first donation was you)

I was kind of caught flat-footed by the instant/automatic approval — hopefully will be making some more content for the page tonight and getting that posted. Thus far I have:

  • boxes
    • fingerjoint: CNC Finger Joint Box
    • fitted
    • mitered w/ hidden spline
    • rabbeted boxes — there’s already a generator for these, and I worked up instructions on them based on a video
    • dovetail (half blind) — needs a fixture and a dovetail router bit: Sharing Carbide Create Dovetail Files
  • furniture
    • child’s step stool — have this in a sketchbook, need to make a duplicate of a stool my wife used as a child and which our daughter really enjoyed
    • bookshelves — the correct translation of “too many books” is “not enough bookshelves”
  • tools
    • hex bit holder — this one I need to work out how to get cut — I’ve got an
      OpenSCAD file which will make an STL, but workholding is a real problem:
    • calipers — need to work out the math and logic to make them parametric
    • hand brace/drill — found a really cool wooden one from Japan on eBay which should be easy to make on the machine

I’m also going to need feedback on what the defaults should be, and what features and options should be worked up, and how things ought to be named.

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