Display "zero" information on the screen

Currently there is some useful information displayed on the left side of the screen while a job is loaded and running. Could you please add the information about the jobs “zero”?

I will go out to the shop to run several jobs, some have X,Y zero in the bottom left with Z at the top of the stock, others have X,Y zero at the top left, and some have Z at the bottom of the stock. Currently, when I go to probe, I don’t know where to put my BitZero. I need to run Carbide Create just to find out. If this information were displayed in Carbide Motion I could skip a step.

Also, for those of us using Z at stock bottom, perhaps a shortcut X,Y-only probe? I probe X and Y using “Corner”, which probes Z also, then moves the bit as if we are ready to cut, but I need to go back to near the starting point to separately probe Z.

Actually, since the Z top vs bottom is known by the software, it could automatically skip the Z probe.


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X-Y only probe would be nice, I agree.

For knowing where to set your zero though, we already have a feature for this. In the latest CM versions, when you load a program there’s a popup window that appears and in the navigation tabs you can preview where your machine is going to go, as well as where your toolpaths are relative to the programmed zero point.

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