I would like to apologize if this question has been answered on this forum already, I did a quick look and couldn’t find it.
I am curious about the results of the MC Etcher on leather. I have been thinking about making leather lined trays and how to get some designs on the leather. I imagine the MC Etcher bits would get similar results as Cricut’s Maker engraving tools. If anyone has any experience using a drag bit on leather I would like any tips or tricks as well as how the results turned out. Thanks for your time.
The diamond tools are far too dull to cut leather and would just grab and snag and damage the surface — a drag knife is a far more workable tool for leather, so long as it isn’t used at a depth beyond which it can cut safely/consistently.
While not a decorative cut, I was able to use a drag knife to successfully cut leather (workholding was double-sided tape — profligate, but it works):
Spotted the holes using a 30 degree V endmill and the new drill toolpath, then enlarged them w/ a rotary punch — should have spaced them a bit more widely, would have made stitching easier to get even.