Okay, there is an amusement which requires arranging 10 name brand disposable cups in a triangle.
Dimensions are:
Okay, there is an amusement which requires arranging 10 name brand disposable cups in a triangle.
Dimensions are:
We’ll round up to 93mm for the overall dimension:
We need one circle above and one below lined up and touching:
Since the basic arrangement is a hexagon we have to start by rotating things 30 degrees to get them into the initial position:
Duplicate and drag the duplicate into alignment with the original and then rotate by 60 degrees:
repeat until one has a full set:
Next, fill in the points by duplicating a set:
dragging the center circle into alignment with a circle adjacent to the position which needs to be filled:
and rotating and then deleting the redundant circles:
Repeat for the other points:
Select the three circles at the points and duplicate them and increase their dimension by some reasonable amount (say 25mm):
Note that it will be relocated, so it will be necessary to rotate each circle so that a node is at the top, then drag the misplaced resized circle into alignment with the original, then reposition it by half the distance which it is larger:
358.591 + 12.5 == 371.091
Repeat for the other two points:
Select each circle, duplicate it and resize it to a suitable size to secure the cup at a reasonable height — 76.5mm seems reasonable, but this should be verified be sourcing a cup, measuring it, and then doing a test cut. Note that when resize the circles will again reposition:
drag each circle back so that it is encompassed by the original:
then use the align tool to center it within the original:
then delete the originals repeating as need be:
Then rotate the top circle 60 degrees and draw a polyline which connects the tangents of the larger circles at the points:
Do a Boolean Union of those circles and the polyline:
roundedtriangleand10circles.c2d (194.4 KB)
Working out joinery and toolpaths is left as an exercise for the reader.
An alternate way to draw the rounded triangle would be to draw a triangle/polyline which had its points on the centers of the 3 circles and then offset the path to the outside by the desired radius.