Drill Bits made for HDZ

Could anyone advise how to add these bits to carbide create (Drill Mills).
I understand that not just any drill bit should be used with my shapeoko 5 pro, Therefore; I have ordered the following :

For the world of me I fail to see where or how to add these bits in my library,

any assistance is appreciated.


Edit: I can add the basic end mills no problem but cant figure out how to add the DRILL MILS to include pecking.


There is no “Drill” tool type, so just add them as endmills & include “Drill” in the tool name.
Pecking is a function of the toolpath, not the tool. It may use the Depth per Pass as the default peck depth (or it may not).


Hi thanks for replying to my question, once I did as you mentioned, how would I know the proper feeds and speeds for “Drill” end mils. ?


By clicking on the “Feeds and Speeds” tab on that page you posted.

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