Electric guitar: chambered, custom neck, belly cut, F hole

Hi community,
I’d really appreciate your insight. I see many posts about electric guitar builds, but I’d like to chat with someone about their experience regarding chambered bodies, f holes, belly cuts, and custom neck builds.
Anyone out there really pushing the Shapeoco in this direction?
Tks for reading. B.

We’ve had a fair number of folks make guitars (and other stringed instruments)

Could you upload a file or photo or drawing or sketch showing something you are having difficulty with or want to approach in a different fashion?

Tks for the reply, Will.
My business partner & I have been hand-making electric guitars for 8+ years…but only 1 per month. We’re looking to purchase a CNC machine to increase this productivity to 10 per month.
And we want to make our own necks, which can be complicated.
So, we’d love to talk with someone who has used the machine for commercial purposes.
Given the size and expertise of this community, I’m hoping someone can help.
Tks, Bob.

I started using shapeoko pro XL in February and finished my first guitar in July.
In addition to repairing and selling guitars, I have now completed three guitars and am working on a fourth model in my spare time.
I hollowed out most of the body and made a thinline with two f-holes.
The weight after assembly is about 2.1 to 2.3 kg.

We created this community, shapeoko-cnc-a-to-z
I repeated trial and error with reference to this community.
If I can be of any help, please let me know.



Do you mean:

or some other group?

Thanks for the correction.
You are correct.

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Not intended as a correction, merely a confirmation (or expansion if it was some separate site?)


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