Here’s a thread about 110V input 220V output VFDs and step up options;
It would be unsurprising to run into problems trying to run a 220V spindle on 110V as the winding inductance is designed to require the full drive voltage to hit the full speed, see the voltage / frequency curves in the HuanYang and other manuals.
As for the total power requirement, if you find a non-destructive way to continuously consume the full 3kW input and 2.2kW output of that spindle on a Shapeoko, I will be in the queue to buy you a beer, that will be impressive. I hardly ever use more than a few hundred watts on my spindle which has a 13A fuse and 15A breaker upstream of it on an EU 230V single phase supply.
Your options, other than replacing the spindle are to find a 110V single phase input 220V output VFD as per the other thread or grab a step up converter, as per the other thread again.