Hey All, Im trying to make an OSU tray. I’ve ran into a problem with the Advanced V carve, My stock thickness is .750, my pocket depth is .500, when I set the inside depth(so the V bit starts at the pocket level) I get a “empty tool path” message. Ive done it a few time and get the same message each time. There’s plenty of clearance from the wall so Im at a loss. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Please post the file.
This happened to me a few times early on (I’ve not been doing this long), but I didn’t really get to the bottom of it.
The issue seems to be caused in CC, rather than CM, and was probably due to my not selecting the vector when writing the toolpath, or editing the vector after the toolpath was saved.
CC also has the habit of looking like a vector is selected (red outline) when, in fact, it isn’t. Gobbledegook I know, but there it is. Again, when you edit the vector (a square or circle, etc.) and save it, it’s outlined in red, but may not be ‘selected’. You should click outside the vector, then click the outline again to make sure it’s selected.
Just my thoughts
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