End mills for cutting oak

I have a shapeoko pro xxl. I am working on a project pocketing oak. When I put in a new 201 end mill its more like a wood burning tool, After 2 pockets the end mill is wore out, Any suggestions on a better end mill to use?
Happy New Year

This sounds like a problem with feeds and speeds (and possibly depth per pass)

What feeds and speeds are you using?

plunge rate 12.0
feed rate 35
depth .030
rpm 18,000
Thanks Will Happy New Year

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I would really speed up the feedrate. In CC the default feedrate for the 201 is 60ipm, and I find that that is really too slow. I run at 75 or 100ipm.

Your DOC is fine, it could probably be deeper. First fix your feedrate though, then experiment with increasing DOC.

Try cleaning your bit with some bit cleaner. If you dont have any cleaner oven cleaner works as well as soaking the bit in acetone and/or mineral spirits and use a nylon brush to swab it down. Likely the burning left residue on the bit and it can likely be saved by cleaning. The more flutes on a bit the more heat it builds up and as @mhotchin suggested you are running too slow. Personally I like 2 flute bits better than the 3 flute #201. I think the #205 is a two flute up cut if you have one. Oak is hard and stringy but cuts relatively well.

Thanks for the tips. Happy New Year