Engraving brass stamps for wax seals - V-shape issue

Hi everyone,

I am brand new to the CNC world, with a very specific target : engraving brass stamps for my wife’s online shop.

Because the stamps are very small (25mm diameter), I am struggling to find how to obtain the desired effect : when I engrave a stamp, the endmill plunges straight into the brass, whereas I would like to obtain a “V shape effect” on the sides.
The current suppliers we order brass stamps from can obtain this easily, and I am getting mad as it seems a very basic problem to solve…

Below you can find a photo of a stamp I have engraved, compared to the model made by our current supplier (yes I know, I forgot to mirror my image :sweat_smile:)

Any advice to obtain a result closer to the “professional” one would be hughly appreciated !!! Thank you for your help !

Post your file?

It should just be a matter of adding geometry around the edge and cutting as an Advanced V carving.

Also, decide whether you want an “inny” or an “outty.” :smiley:

I have no file, as I import directly an image in the software. However I do use advanced V-shape engraving (I think)

Let me precise that I use for the moment a cheap CNC machine and a software from another brand, as I want to be sure that I can make it before investing in proper equipment.

How can I add geometry on the edge ? Do I need to start working with Fusion 360 or equivalent ?

Sorry to be such a noob !!

Sorry I dont get your point ?

One of those items (presumably the one that isn’t reversed) in the photo you attached is carved into the brass.

The other one stands proud of the brass. In other words, the brass around the lettering was carved away.

You have to decide which way it goes, and this is the basis of your problem at this point.

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Post the .c2d or .mcf file

clé initiales.nc (262.4 KB)
Here is a nc file, I hope it helps ?
It’s a different drawing, but same issue.

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