Engraving only in CC Pro?

I’m new CNC so…

I’ve read that only Carbide Create Pro supports “engraving”.

Surely Carbide Create and MeshCam let you cut a shallow line with an engraving bit so what does the above mean?

You’re right that any profile toolpath with an engraving bit will engrave.

However, I think the engraving functions in Carbide Create refer to the cross hatching and fill algorithms.

(btw: You can edit your post using the pencil icon if you make a typo)


Correct, Pro adds a specific toolpath for engraving.

For how to do this w/o that toolpath, see:

Checked out the tutorial, which part is exclusive to CC Pro? More than just the drag engraving pane?

Also, you used the layers feature in 521 but tweaked texture in 523. Is 521 regular CC and 523 is CC Pro?

The Engraving toolpath which the shown technique is in lieu of is Pro only.

Either version shown should have used features which are free.

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