Entering Other tools into Tool Database in Carbide Create Pro - No Stepover rate setting saved

Why does Carbide Create not include a place to save the Stepover information for any custom bits I add to a user library?

On the window to add a new tool there is a 3D stepover setting but nothing for 2D and the 3D setting does not effect the tool information window. I then hit OK

When I go back to the tool and select “edit tool” I am presented with a completely different window where I can change the stepover rate. Even if I change this it does not save it. Each time I go to use this tool I have to select edit and change the stepover rate to the stepover rate that the tool should be. This seems like this should be on the first window when entering a tool into the database and that this parameter should be saved.

The stepover is a percent of the width of the bit. In the pic you sent it is there on the screen. So if you have a 1/4" bit then you set 10% then you get 0.025" stepover.

If you have the 60 degree down cut Groovee Jenny bit I bought that. You can open Cc and go to Help and then About. Click on the Open Data Directory. Navigate to the Carbide Create folder and then tools. Your custom databases are there. Double click on your database and it should open in a spreadsheet. Modify the fields and “Save As” .csv file and do not let it save in the native spreadsheet format. Here is my Groovee Jenny file.

number vendor model URL name type diameter cornerradius flutelength shaftdiameter angle numflutes stickout coating metric notes machine material plungerate feedrate rpm depth cutpower finishallowance 3dstepover 3dfeedrate 3drpm
702 Cadance Mfg Groovee Jenny Groovee Jenny vee 0.375 0 0.375 0 60 3 1.5 0 20 35 18000 0.08 0.08 2 35 18000

Setting the percent on the bigger screen made no difference to the stepover number on the smaller screen (when you edit the existing settings) i set it at 1% and i tried 50% and it still said the same number, unchanged. When I actually set the stepover in the smaller window as .025 it stayed but only for that file.

If I Open a new file that stepover setting is not part of the tool database so it doesnt get saved with the tool and has to be set again in the file using the above procedure

Try editing the .csv file directly. Be sure to restart cc because it may read those files when it starts up and not necessarily when you change and then pick the tool.

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