This is when I try to initialize the machine.
If I hit OK I then get Homing Cycle Faled and then Limit Switch Error (X).
The head barely moves.
Tried turning everything off and back on.
XXL with Z plus.
This is when I try to initialize the machine.
If I hit OK I then get Homing Cycle Faled and then Limit Switch Error (X).
The head barely moves.
Tried turning everything off and back on.
XXL with Z plus.
All three limit switching light up
Did you tel CM what machine you have? Did you send the machine coordinate files over?
This isnt a new set up. but yes its configured to Shapeoko Z Plus.
If I use Motion 513 then it will go home to Y & Z but not X.
If I use Motion 521 the gantry doesnt home z or y
Check your settings in 521, machine config needs to be set and config settings may need to be sent. Its a new version of CM.
Everything looks good. XXL with Z plus and Bitsetter.
Please see:
If you continue to have difficulties please write us at
Everything looks good there.
The X isnt lit up or touching metal. Is the GRBL Active Input Pins (X) an issue?
Yes, if the X-axis homing switch is stuck on you won’t be able to initialize the machine until that is resolved.
Power down, swap X and Y, then power back up — is the Y input then lit? If so, bad switch, contact us at
The light on the X switch is not on unless I put a piece of metal to it. Not sure if that matters.
X Limit switch was bad. Carbide sent one overnight and I’m up and running again!
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