The VFD takes about 2 seconds to engage, and a few seconds to ramp from 0 to 24,000 RPM. It also can take a second or two to settle on a new RPM if you are using different ramp RPM’s.
Attached is my F360 post which adds 2 options
Cold-start dwell
RPM change dwell
Extension renamed to .h as .cps is not allowed to upload. It’s text. carbide-greg 5.h (28.1 KB)
I have been using @neilferreri post processor and just turned the “Spindle Ramp Dwell” up to 6 seconds and that seems to give the spindle enough time to get up to speed.
I usually use this version.
Don’t be concerned about the “TEST” in the name…I never bothered to change it. I added some stuff related to machine configuration to someone with a different (non-hobby level) machine.